The Challenge

A Calgary-based hospital required a new high purity water system for laboratory and MDRD applications. The MDRD specifications called for 50 GPM of ultrapure water to feed 18 individual points of use. The specification also called for the high purity water system to supply a 6th floor laboratory as a central lab system.

MDRD and the laboratory had different water quality requirements (CSA 314 and CLRW respectively, see Table 1 below), which posed a unique challenge for system design. In short, the high purity water system vendor was required to supply 2 unique water qualities from the same central system, both at high flow rates.

Table 1: CLRW and MDRD Water Quality Targets

Our Solution

High Purity designed a system with duplex ROs feeding two separate reservoirs – one on the main floor feeding MDRD applications and another on the 6th floor for the laboratories. Once distributed to the reservoirs, water is polished to achieve the CLRW or CSA 314 specifications for separate applications. The duplex ROs provide a degree of redundancy for both the laboratory and MDRD. High Purity selected best in class equipment from critical partners including Suez Water, Aquafine, Cantel, and GF Piping systems.

The project demonstrates High Purity’s unique ability to customize high purity water systems to achieve multiple water specifications within a hospital. As always, the system is backed by High Purity’s 24/7 emergency response service program.